Glass Urns: What You Need to Know

Aug 08, 2022
cremation services in Milan, TN

If you want an urn that is functional and truly beautiful, you can’t choose much better than a glass urn. Glass urns are timeless and add an elegant design element to any room where they are added. To learn more about these beautiful pieces as well as how to best care for them, providers of cremation services in Milan, TN. share what you need to know.

What is a Glass Urn?

Glass urns are often made by hand by artists known as glassblowers. These artisans are very talented and use their breath to help shape the glass urn in the final design. The process begins with materials (typically limestone, sand, potash, and soda ash) being meted down into an extremely hot molten product. This molten liquid is shaped by the glassblower on a table before the center is hollowed out and shaped by the glassblower blowing air through the blowpipe. The piece is then moved to a metal rod for final shaping. After the shaping is completed, the piece is moved to a chamber for cooling.

How Glass Urns Are Different

Other than how glass urns are made, they are different than alternative urns in other ways as well. One noticeable difference is that glass urns are smooth and seamless. While other urns may have hardware or lines where parts meet, glass urns are completely smooth. 

Another way how glass urns are different is the design and look they have. With colors blending seamlessly throughout the piece, as well as various textures and designs they can be created into the piece, there is simply no other urn that can compare to a glass urn’s beauty.

Where to Find Glass Urns

Many cremation providers and funeral homes will offer glass urn options, You can also find these pieces online from urn providers as well as individual artisans and glassblowers. One advantage of working with and individual glassblower is that you can collaborate with them to create a custom piece. This makes a truly unique tribute to your loved one.

How to Care for Your Glass Urn

Glass is beautiful and it is also very delicate, Because of this is it extremely important you place your glass urn in a secure place. This means that a shelf next to a busy door where people come in and out frequently may not be the best idea. Make sure your glass urn is in a room or space that is safe.  Equally important make sure it has enough room to sit safely on the shelf or table where it will reside.

Keeping you glass urn clean is easy. For a lighter dusting simply take a soft cloth and wipe the urn to clear any dust or dirt away. For a deeper cleaning, use a soft cloth and an all natural glass cleaner to help remove any dirt build up. 

cremation services in Milan, TN

Final Thoughts

Glass urns make beautiful tributes for your loved one. These urns are a statement piece as well as a work of art. Although they are delicate, they are worth looking at for your loved one’s ashes after their cremation services in Milan, TN.

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